SMS sent – All messages attempted to be sent irrespective of status.
SMS delivered – The mobile carrier has received confirmation that the message has been delivered to the recipient’s phone.
SMS pending – Message has been processed and sent to the mobile operator with request acknowledgment from their platform. The delivery report has not yet been received and is awaited, so the status is still pending.
Absent subscribers – Message has been received and forwarded to the operator for delivery. However, the subscriber is unavailable as there was no paging response from the handset. This is usually because of the phone being switched off, or due to phone being out of coverage, or due to roaming restriction or due to a restricted area.
Delivery impossible – Message has been received and forwarded to the operator for delivery. A signal from the mobile carrier has been received indicating that the message was not delivered.
Network failure – Message has been received and forwarded to the operator for delivery. A signal from the mobile carrier has been received indicating connectivity problem caused by the phone being out of coverage, or due to roaming restriction/restricted area.
Blacklisted number/Opted out – Message has been received and forwarded to the operator for delivery. A signal from the mobile carrier has been received and indicates the recipient has opted out from promotional traffic
Unsupported number – A message whose recipient number is not destined for your sender ID network or does not match any network in projects profile
Unknown error – Message has been received and forwarded to the operator for delivery. However, the delivery report from the operator has not been formatted correctly or has not been recognized as valid