WhatsApp has undeniably become the preferred mode of communication for
millions of people in Kenya and businesses are identifying tremendous value in
making it a preferred mode of communication with customers.

Whatsapp Message Types

Message Templates

Predefined text template registered with WhatsApp.
One and only allowed message to initiate a conversation with the end-user and WhatsApp Message Price Apply. 


Dear Mr.{{Name}}, Thank you for your purchase value {{Price}}. We hope you enjoyed your visit at our store. Feel free to leave your feedback with us.

Free- Form Messages

  • Free style chat with end-user
  • Only able to initiate after end user response.
  • Time windoww allowed for 24 hours from last-end-user response.
  • Unlimited.
Supported Formats:

Document: .pdf ,.doc, .ppt, .xls

Image:  .jpg, .JPEG, .PNG

Audio; .AAC,.MP4, .AMR, .MP3, .OPUS

Reimagine personalization customer engagement in Banking Insurance Hospitality sector

Sample use cases in the Banking industry

a. Customer Onboarding

b. Balance Enquiry

c. Statement Request